2025 $1,000.00 Peter LaManna Excellence in Music Scholarship February 7th deadline
Nominate your 12th grade student ministers today.
The application deadline is February 7th, 2025. Auditions scheduled for Sunday, February 23rd at St. Christopher Church in NE Philadelphia.
All high school seniors graduating in 2025 are eligible to apply.
To apply for this scholarship, the student must
• be involved in his/her parish liturgy
• sing as a cantor or a choir member or play an instrument in his/her church
• have acceptable grades in classwork in his/her school
• continue studies in liturgical music through workshops and conferences
The applicant must present two letters of recommendation. These letters may be from his/her school principal, or guidance counselor, or teacher, and the Director of Liturgical Music* or the Director of the Liturgical Ensemble of the parish.
There will be an interview and an instrumental or vocal audition.
The applicant will receive the requirements for the audition when he/she applies. Auditions are scheduled for Sunday, February 23rd at St. Christopher Church, Philadelphia.
The scholarship funds must be used for the awardee’s undergraduate studies or liturgy workshops and conferences.
The Scholarship will be given sometime in the Easter Season. Location TBD.